We love kids and dogs--who doesn't? But for a busy family, or one that is unprepared, it can be a nightmare. Learn how good management and some simple habits and practices can really change your life.
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Management is key when owning a dog: it is seeing the potential for accidents and incidents, and preventing those before they start. Management can take the form of avoiding an offleash dog, training an emergency uturn, or using fences and babygates to prevent unwanted behaviors. Management is usually a low […]
Housetraining Tips Most puppies learn their “foot preference” in the first 6 months of life. If during this time you teach them appropriate places to potty, they will usually be housetrained for life. An older dog who suddenly starts to house soil should see a vet. An older dog who […]
Puppy biting is one of the most common questions on Dog Training 101! While puppy biting can be frustrating (and painful), it is also a completely normal puppy behavior. Puppies LOVE to bite! It’s how they explore and interact with the world. The good news is that hey almost always […]
Looking for Veterinary Information? If your dog has been recently diagnosed with a condition and you are wanting to learn more, here are some great resources for you! https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet?fbclid=IwAR08Y60s8Oshk2mhKLJq3FnErFXHdbZlMnvruezvi3U4e1QkQdofjsTZRbY https://www.merckvetmanual.com/resourcespages/pet-health-overview?fbclid=IwAR08Y60s8Oshk2mhKLJq3FnErFXHdbZlMnvruezvi3U4e1QkQdofjsTZRbY https://www.preventivevet.com/?fbclid=IwAR0M9QDm-2x9SbnEvXoVGUW5BuXId0CFxn9GdW-7SXMiMbM7_t-FZoDiO_0 https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239 https://www.ovrs.com/blog/veterinary-emergency-2/?fbclid=IwAR3c8hUDRK_TmlL0SicnwlOHVLeLKmvHMxk8Qhk28a-j8cMiZJugb_66xzU Looking for training on first aid or medically related topics for your dog? Here are some suggestions! […]
Intra-household dog-dog aggression (dog fights in your home) isn’t easy to fix and if you can find a good home for one of the pups, it may be the easiest solution. However, it IS often possible to fix the problem. It will take patience, kindness, and careful management. The basic […]
Dogs bark. Expecting a dog to never bark would be unrealistic. It’s a natural way that dogs communicate, and we should expect our dogs to bark at times. That said, excessive barking can be a serious problem, especially for those of us living with close neighbors who may not appreciate […]
Resource guarding is when a dog is displaying behavior (growling, snapping, biting, etc) intended to convince humans or other dogs to stay away from a valued resource. The valued resource could be food, a toy, a particular spot in the house, or even part of the dog’s own body. It […]
Calmness in Dogs is Not Just Genetic! We can help dogs to be calmer generally, and it is super important to teach young dogs (adolescence anyone?) to be calm. Yes, exercise and mental stimulation helps, but we need to be careful not to overstimulate the dogs. If all we do […]
Contact your vet for medical advice. If your vet is not available, you may want to contact an emergency/after hours vet. Here are our quick pick resources: Online Vet Advice 24/7 Get immediate advice online from a real veterinarian 24/7. $5 to join and approx $38 month thereafter (cancel at […]