Make Your Own Happiness Practice Do you enjoy your dog? Do you have a special time each day you spend together? Many of us forget how much we really enjoy our pups, and taking time for that “special moment” can really have a positive impact on our relationship. Think of […]
Unit 3 – Core skills for behavior
Loose leash walking can be a super challenging skill–just think of it–all the fun stuff to sniff and play with just out of reach, and this big primate crawling along like a snail behind you. Add to that, you guys don’t speak the same language or share the same interests–I […]
Written by Laura Friis, Legende Let Lydighed, for Ever wished your dog would just stay out of the kitchen? Maybe the nursery? Or just not dash the gate when you leave your yard without him? Invisible boundaries are what you’re looking for. But, before we get started, a word […]
Want a dog that listens, is calm and doesn't pull on leash? Start with this little exercise. It's a game changer. Coffee Shop encourages your dog to relax when out and about suing natural, fun, and simple techniques.
The Name Game The name game is a powerful foundational skill. It is appropriate for any dog, and is often one of the first cues taught to puppies. The name game is good for bonding, as well as providing a base skill to build recall, call out, or emergency uturn. […]